Little Owly Nest

Hello, Spring!


Hello, Spring!

Welcome, Spring! As the official first day of Spring has arrived, we welcome longer days, warmer weather and the bursts of color as flowers bloom. The first day of Spring isa time of celebration and renewal, making it the perfect moment to embrace nature’s beauty and enjoy floral-inspired activities!

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Ending February Strong: Never Too Late to Set Goals, Intentions or Prioritize You!

Ending February Strong: Never Too Late to Set Goals, Intentions or Prioritize You!

As February comes to a close, it's easy to feel like the momentum of the new year has passed. It's easy to begin January with big resolutions that quickly dissolve or you never even get around to setting goals or intentions, which is understandable with so much always going on! BUT here is a truth (which we many times forget) - there is no expiration date on when to begin, set new intentions or just do the things we want. Here are a few things we're prioritizing! 

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January is Slow Cooker Month - a busy family favorite for weeknight meals!

January Meal Planning Slow Cooker

January is Slow Cooker Month - a busy family favorite for weeknight meals!

With the beginning of the new year and many with goals to cook more, January is a good time to explore the magic of slow cooking. It also known as Slow Cooker Month, and truly a wonderful kitchen tool that provides comforting meals that are easy to prepare and perfect for busy families. 

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Heart Shaped Coffee Filter Valentine's Day Wreath

Valentine's Day

Heart Shaped Coffee Filter Valentine's Day Wreath

An easy DIY coffee filter heart shaped wreath that will be the sweetest (and easy) addition to your home for Valentine's Day. This project requires just a few simple materials to make a beautiful and romantic decoration that will make your space feel extra festive! 

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Meal Planning for Easy Weeknight Dinners

Meal Planning

Meal Planning for Easy Weeknight Dinners

Meal planning can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be and it’s important to find what works for you and your family. Here are some tips that work for us as a busy family of five. Remember there is no right or wrong way to do it and keep consistent and experimenting until you find what works for you!

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