Little Owly Nest — Earth Day

Flower Press Fun for Earth Day!

Earth Day

Flower Press Fun for Earth Day!

Earth Day is April 22 and it is a day that serves as our annual reminder to slow down and appreciate our planet and all of its natural beauty. We want to share with little ones about our planet, the impact we have, how we can help preserve the planet and how to celebrate everything it has to offer. A walk around your backyard, neighborhood or park is a great way to appreciate all of the beauty around you and get some fresh air.     To get ready for Earth Day this year, we went to a local park to explore and find...

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Happy Earth Day!

Crafts Creative Circle Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

DIY binoculars to help get our little one in the mood to explore the backyard, see the birds and collect beautiful flowers, twigs and leaves to create an Earth Day appreciation painting. Earth Day is this week on Wednesday, April 22 and it is a day that serves as our annual reminder to slow down and appreciate our beautiful planet and all it has to offer!

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