As February comes to a close, it's easy to feel like the momentum of the new year has passed. It's easy to begin January with big resolutions that quickly dissolve or you never even get around to setting goals or intentions, which is understandable with so much always going on! BUT here is a truth (which we many times forget) - there is no expiration date on when to begin, set new intentions or just do the things we want.
If you've been feeling behind, now is the perfect time to reset, reflect and refocus and make meaningful progress. Here are a few tips and things we're reminding ourselves of.
- Don't get stuck on a timeline - Goals and intention setting isn't just for January. Think of what you want to happen and commit - Things happen when we commit to consistently show up and move forward.
- Set intentions and not just goals. Intentions really focus on how you want to feel and process, not just the end result. Intentions put a focus on our habits and lifestyle changes that make for long-term changes.
- Remember, it is OK to start again. Progress isn't linear and things don't always go according to plan. Just remember to keep showing up for yourself.
Remember, that the best time to start is always NOW and give yourself some grace.
This year, we decided to dedicate more time and set intentions for our self-care. We are trying new nontoxic skincare products and have become a consultant (check them out here). My husband will not be thrilled I shared, but he has been loving the product too! We are also trying to make quality sleep a priority. Purchased these Magnesium supplements (check them out here) and was just recommended these which just ordered (check them out here). Drinking more water is on our list! At least 75 ounces each day and we love a good water bottle! This 30 ounce one is a favorite (check them out here). Also, going to the gym at least 3 times a week is on the list followed by some time in the sauna.
We haven't perfected any of these but they are all on our list and look forward to entering March with these intentions.
What's one small step you're taking today to end February strong or kick off March?