Father's Day "Aloe You Vera Much" Planter

Crafts Creative Circle Father's Day

Father's Day is this Sunday, June 21, and we wanted to share a Father's Day gift idea little ones can make for fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and father figures in their lives. Handmade gifts always add that extra special touch especially when they are created by the little hands you love. We decided to make these simple and fun planters to make a lovely gift for our little one's dad and grandfathers. With only a few supplies needed you and your little ones can create these decorated planters.

This was a project where we were able to introduce a completely new skill to our little one, gardening. She got to have fun, be outside, get a little dirty and plant aloe leaves. We painted terra cotta planters and used fingers to paint "polka dots" to add that extra personalized touch! Our favorite part about this project is the sweet message written on the planter, Aloe You Vera Much! It's a such a cute way to incorporate the plant we chose with saying "I Love You."

We love that the pots maybe as colorful or embellished as your little one would like!

This was a fun project that helps with motor skills as they hold and use the tools, engages touch senses and can open up your little one's curiosity into the world of gardening.


Remember that older children, depending on their age, will be able to do more of the planting on their own, while it will be more of a collaborative effort with younger ones. Either way, it will be fun to make and a gift the receiver will love to display at home, office or front porch!

Father's Day "Aloe You Vera Much" Planter - What You'll Need


  1. Start decorating your terra cotta pots by painting them in whatever colors you'd like. Then set aside to dry.
  2. Once the pot is dry, you’ll want to use different colors for the fingerprint "polka dots." Choose the coordinating colors and press finger into the paint and then press finger onto the pot.
  3. Once the "polka dots" (or whatever designs chosen) have dried, your flower pot is all ready for you to write your message. You may write the message using a sharpie or paint pens using your little one's creativity or you could use a Cricut, if you have one. We used our Cricut and vinyl to write "aloe you vera much."
  4. Your decorated pot is all ready to be planted! Transfer the soil and aloe leaves into your decorated pot. You can have your little one play a bit with the soil and water the plant once in its new container!
  5.  Your plant is ready to be gifted and enjoyed!

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